The efficiency of polysaccharide microencapsulationin improving survival of probiotic bacteria
Creator 1. Prasit Khumpouk
2. Napatsakorn Saichanaphan
3. Umaporn Khimmakthong
Title The efficiency of polysaccharide microencapsulationin improving survival of probiotic bacteria
Publisher Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University
Publication Year 2022
Journal Title Songklanakarin Journal of Science an Technology (SJST)
Journal Vol. 44
Journal No. 1
Page no. 184-190
Keyword bacteria, microencapsulation, polysaccharides, probiotic, survival
URL Website
ISSN 0125-3395
Abstract The objective of this research was to find polysaccharides for encapsulating B. subtilis to achieve the highest survivalin low pH conditions. In the experiment, Bacillus subtilis were encapsulated in gelatin together with alginate and chitosan(GACh), carrageenan together with alginate and chitosan (CACh), or tapioca starch together with alginate and chitosan (SACh).The results showed that SACh encapsulation had the most effective B. subtilis release from gel beads. When testing for B. subtilissurvival at pH 2, the SACh encapsulated B. subtilis had the highest percent survival. The survival of B. subtilis in SACh whenstored at -18, 0, 4, 10, and 25 ยบC was evaluated and the results show that 4 ยบC is the most suitable storage temperature for the gelbeads. In a test of encapsulated B. subtilis stored at 4 ยบC, B. subtilis in SACh had the highest survival rate.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)







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