Screening of brucellosis in goats by RBPT and c-Elisain organized farms in Chennai, India
Creator 1. Muhammad Umar Yuguda
2. Sureshkannan Sundaram
3. Porteen Kannan
4. Thiyagarajan Sanjeevi
5. Amina Umar Yuguda
Title Screening of brucellosis in goats by RBPT and c-Elisain organized farms in Chennai, India
Publisher Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University
Publication Year 2022
Journal Title Songklanakarin Journal of Science an Technology (SJST)
Journal Vol. 44
Journal No. 6
Page no. 1462-1466
Keyword abortion, organized farm, caprine brucellosis, c-ELISA, RBPT
URL Website
ISSN 0125-3395
Abstract The prevalence of brucellosis among goats was studied in organized farms in and around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, byconventional Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and also with c-ELISA using Bru Alert? Brucella antibody kit. In a total of 161sera samples screened for the presence of Brucella antibody, the overall positivities of 4.97% and 5.59 % were respectively foundby RBPT and c-ELSA. The study also recorded high seropositivity in animals past 5 years of age and in female animals. Acomparative analysis showed excellent agreement of the two tests and the chi-square test indicated strong (P<0.01) associationbetween the alternative tests. The study arrived at the conclusion that initial screening for brucellosis could be done with RBPTand confirmation should be made with c- ELISA test to eliminate false positives.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)







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