The use of walnut flour in the recipe of "Fitness" buckwheat bread | |
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Creator | 1. Ksenia Kameneva 2. Ksenia Shcheveva 3. Natalya Naumova |
Title | The use of walnut flour in the recipe of "Fitness" buckwheat bread |
Publisher | Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University |
Publication Year | 2021 |
Journal Title | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) |
Journal Vol. | 43 |
Journal No. | 2 |
Page no. | 557-563 |
Keyword | walnut flour, "Fitness" buckwheat bread |
URL Website | |
ISSN | 0125-3395 |
Abstract | We studied the sensory compatibility, physical and chemical parameters and nutritional value of the raw materials wheat flour, walnut flour and buckwheat mix. We tested several variants of modifying the studied bread recipe. We identified thesuperiority of the walnut flour over the wheat raw material in providing several nutrients. We determined the priority role of thewheat flour in the formation of porosity and specific volume of bread. We established the practical possibility of substituting15% of the high-grade wheat flour with walnut flour, and substituting 4% of baking mix with a similar amount of dry wheatgluten in a buckwheat bread. The products with modified composition have good consumer properties and are characterized byhigh contents of plant lipids, proteins, and soluble and ballast fibers, and are rich in minerals and vitamins. |