A generalization of UP-algebras: Weak UP-algebras | |
รหัสดีโอไอ | |
Creator | 1. Aiyared Iampan 2. Daniel Abraham Romano |
Title | A generalization of UP-algebras: Weak UP-algebras |
Publisher | Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University |
Publication Year | 2021 |
Journal Title | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) |
Journal Vol. | 43 |
Journal No. | 2 |
Page no. | 524-530 |
Keyword | UP-algebra, weak UP-algebra, closed wUP-ideal, (?)-ideal, ag-ideal, strong ideal, regular ideal, associative ideal, t-idea |
URL Website | https://rdo.psu.ac.th/sjstweb/index.php |
ISSN | 0125-3395 |
Abstract | Many logical algebras such as BE-, KU- and BCC-algebras have their weak version as generalization. It is known thata CI-algebra is a weak version of a BE-algebra, a JU-algebra is a weak version of a KU-algebra, and a BZ-algebra is a weakversion of a BCC-algebra. In this paper, we introduce the concept of weak UP-algebras as a generalization of UP-algebras, andinvestigate its basic properties. Additionally, some types of ideals in this type of algebras are introduced and analyzed. |