Algebraic, order, and analytic properties of Tracy-Singh sums for Hilbert space operators | |
รหัสดีโอไอ | |
Creator | 1. Arnon Ploymukda 2. Pattrawut Chansangiam |
Title | Algebraic, order, and analytic properties of Tracy-Singh sums for Hilbert space operators |
Publisher | Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University |
Publication Year | 2019 |
Journal Title | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology |
Journal Vol. | 41 |
Journal No. | 4 |
Page no. | 727-733 |
Keyword | operator matrix, tensor product, Tracy-Singh product, Tracy-Singh sum, analytic functions of operators |
URL Website | |
ISSN | 0125-3395 |
Abstract | We introduce the Tracy-Singh sum for operators on a Hilbert space, generalizing both the Tracy-Singh sum for matrices and the tensor sum for operators. The Tracy-Singh sum is shown to be compatible with algebraic operations and order relations. Then we establish a binomial theorem involving Tracy-Singh sums, and its consequences. We also investigate continuity, convergence, and norm bounds for Tracy-Singh sums. Moreover, we derive operator identities involving Tracy-Singh sums and certain operator functions defined by power series. |