MWCNT/Silica aerogel: Preparation, characterizationand applications in heterogeneous catalysis and decolorizationof aqueous dye solutions
Creator 1. Isak Rajjak Shaikh
2. Uzma K. H. Bangi
3. Parveen Rajjak Shaikh
Title MWCNT/Silica aerogel: Preparation, characterizationand applications in heterogeneous catalysis and decolorizationof aqueous dye solutions
Publisher Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University
Publication Year 2018
Journal Title Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
Journal Vol. 40
Journal No. 5
Page no. 1181-1185
Keyword MWCNT/Silica aerogel synthesis, ambient pressure drying, heterogeneous catalysis, dye decolorization
URL Website
ISSN 0125-3395
Abstract 2.3 x 10-3 wt% multi-walled carbon nanotube incorporated silica aerogel (MWCNT/Silica aerogel) was synthesized byambient pressure drying. The as-synthesized MWCNT reinforced silica aerogel was characterized by XRD, SEM, N2-adsorptiondesorption, etc. The MWCNT/Silica aerogel catalyzed a multicomponent reaction for synthesizing medicinally importantbenzylpyrazolyl coumarin derivative. And, in another application, the efficient decolorization of Eriochrome Black T andMethylene Blue from their respective aqueous solutions over MWCNT/Silica aerogel was also investigated using UVspectrophotometer. A comparison has also been made with decolorizing activities of silica gel and activated charcoal.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)







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