The inhibitory effect of sodium thiocyanate and sodium percarbonate ratioson microorganism growth in raw milk samples as an effective treatmentto extend milk quality during storage
Creator 1. Supreena Srisaikham
2. Naoki Isobe
3. Wisitiporn Suksombat
Title The inhibitory effect of sodium thiocyanate and sodium percarbonate ratioson microorganism growth in raw milk samples as an effective treatmentto extend milk quality during storage
Publisher Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University
Publication Year 2017
Journal Title Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)
Journal Vol. 39
Journal No. 1
Page no. 77
Keyword lactoperoxidase system,Escherichia coli,microorganism growth,raw milk quality
ISSN 0125-3395
Abstract Preservation of raw milk quality by activation of lactoperoxidase system (LPs) was studied for the inhibition of microorganismgrowth. The antimicrobial effects of LPs were examined by measuring thiocyanate (SCN-) concentration, lactoperoxidase(LP) activity, milk composition, total bacterial count (TBC) and coliform count (CC). All parameters were analyzed at0 h and at 25?C and 30?C as a control. Thus, the experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of 2 different temperatures(25?C vs 30?C) and 4 ratios of NaSCN:2Na2CO33H2O2 (0:0, 7:15, 14:30 and 21:45 mg/L) on milk samples (both uninoculated rawmilk samples and Escherichia coli (E. coli) inoculated milk samples) with 8 replicates per run using 0-12 h incubation timein vitro assay. The runs were conducted on the same 4 NaSCN:2Na2CO33H2O2 ratios and different temperature and time ofincubation were used. The results showed that the milk SCN- concentration and LP activity increased with increasingNaSCN:2Na2CO33H2O2 ratios. Milk compositions retained the quality of normal milk fat, protein, lactose, solid-not-fat (SNF)and total solid (TS) contents, and they were not significantly affected by the LPs activation. An obvious effect of the LPactivated milk was the inhibition of TBC in uninoculated raw milk samples for 6 to 12 h both at 25?C and 30?C), and for 6 to9 h in E. coil inoculated milk samples, whereas CC (6 h at 25?C and at least 3 h at 30?C for both uninoculated and E. coilinoculated milk samples). It is concluded that improved preservation of milk can be achieved through the addition of 14:30and 21:45 mg/L of NaSCN:2Na2CO33H2O2 in uninoculated and E. coil inoculated milk samples respectively, to extend milkquality during storage.







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