Fuzzy lambda gXr-sets and generalization of closed sets ingeneralized fuzzy topological spaces | |
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Creator | 1. Jayasree Chakraborty 2. Baby Bhattacharya 3. Arnab Paul |
Title | Fuzzy lambda gXr-sets and generalization of closed sets ingeneralized fuzzy topological spaces |
Publisher | Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University |
Publication Year | 2017 |
Journal Title | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) |
Journal Vol. | 39 |
Journal No. | 3 |
Page no. | 275 |
Keyword | fuzzy lambda gXr-set,fuzzy lambda Xg-closed set,fuzzy lambda gXr-closed set,lambda gXrgf-gX - closed set,fuzzy (lambda , )gXr Yg -continuity |
ISSN | 0125-3395 |
Abstract | The aim of this paper is to introduce fuzzy ?gXr-set and to study some of its generalized forms. The structure constitutedby fuzzy ?gXr-set is also included in the treatise. Moreover we define generalized fuzzy gX -closed set and fuzzy ?gXr-closed set,which are the weaker forms of fuzzy gX -closed set. The above two weaker forms are independent to each other but jointly theyimply fuzzy gX -closed set. Finally, in addition, as the application of fuzzy ?gXr-closed set, we study fuzzy (? , )gXr Yg -continuity and fuzzy (? , ) gfgXr X Y? g g -continuity and a few of their properties. In general, fuzzy contra ( , ) X Y g g -continuitydoes not imply fuzzy ( , ) X Y g g -continuity, but this paper provides one condition under which the fact is true. |