รหัสดีโอไอ 10.14456/jcst.2019.2
Creator Vivat Keawdounglek
Title Assessment of food hazards in local restaurants in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Publisher Rangsit University
Publication Year 2019
Journal Title Journal of Current Science and Technology
Journal Vol. 9
Journal No. 1
Page no. 17-27
Keyword food hazards, food safety, food sanitation, food sanitation and safety, Good Manufacturing Practices, GMPs
URL Website https://jcst.rsu.ac.th/
ISSN 2630-0583
ดิจิตอลไฟล์ Digital File


Vivat Keawdounglek. (2019) Assessment of food hazards in local restaurants in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 9(1), 17-27.
Vivat Keawdounglek. "Assessment of food hazards in local restaurants in Chiang Rai, Thailand". Journal of Current Science and Technology 9 (2019):17-27.
Vivat Keawdounglek. Assessment of food hazards in local restaurants in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Rangsit University:ม.ป.ท. 2019.