Law Enforcement in Accordance with Directive Principles of Fundamental State Policies:Comparative Study with Foreign Countries
Creator Suraphol Srivithaya
Title Law Enforcement in Accordance with Directive Principles of Fundamental State Policies:Comparative Study with Foreign Countries
Publisher Rangsit University
Publication Year 2567
Journal Title Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities
Journal Vol. 11
Journal No. 1
Page no. 46-55
Keyword Law Enforcement, Directives Principles of Fundamental State Policies, Comparative Study with Foreign Countries, Legal Binding, Justiciability
URL Website
ISSN 2985-055X
Abstract This research aims to analyze the law enforcement of directives principles of fundamental state policies in Thailand, comparing with nine foreign countries: Ireland, Germany, Spain, India, Bangladesh, China, the Philippines, Nigeria and Ghana. The study used a qualitative documentary research method and focus group discussions with 3 groups of key expert informants in order to determine why and how directives principles of fundamental state policies shall be enforced. The research results found that despite the provisions of all constitutions had not clearly provided the binding force of directive principles of fundamental state policies, the constitution of some foreign countries including Thailand trends to adopt increasingly the binding force and review mechanism of legal enforcement for directive principles of fundamental state policies, both the political enforcement by the parliament and the administrative enforcement by the government, especially the legal enforcement by the court or justiciability.







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