A Study on the Effect of Field Procedure Corrections of SPT- N Values on the Liquefaction Resistance of the Subsoil Strata along the Coastline of Visakhapatnam
Creator C. N. V. Satyanarayana Reddy, S. Eswara Rao and A. Harika
Title A Study on the Effect of Field Procedure Corrections of SPT- N Values on the Liquefaction Resistance of the Subsoil Strata along the Coastline of Visakhapatnam
Publisher Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society
Publication Year 2566
Journal Title The Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA
Journal Vol. 54
Journal No. 3
Page no. 50-66
Keyword Liquefaction, SPT N, Field procedure Corrections, Factor of safety, Liquefaction Potential Index
URL Website http://seags.ait.asia
Website title AGSSEA & SEAGS
ISSN 0046-5828
Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society and Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia







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